Tuesday, May 5

That Thing We Do~

I know you're not going to believe it but I was driving home today from a playdate and I started thinking about painting (that's not the part you aren't going to believe. hee hee), which I haven't done much of lately. I had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to paint this chicklet with honey colored beehive hair. Where did that come from? Who can say? I'm just happy that I jumped down the rabbit hole and saw it through.

It's been so long since I've painted a girl that I wasn't sure I still had it in me. I guess now I know, it's that thing we do. Instead of thinking about it I just need to pick up a paint brush and get to it. No questions asked. And that's the story of how this BRAVE girl came to be and how I busted through my block and found my mojo. Let's hope it lasts. So, what's calling you? :)

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