Saturday, May 4


It's Saturday! That unto itself is a reason to celebrate! It's going to be a beautiful day here in the Pacific Northwest. I have a never ending list of things I want to accomplish, before I dive head first into said list I wanted to sit and enjoy a steaming mug of coffee and share a flashback with you.

What you are looking at is circa 2009. It is one of my very first Mixed Media girls. I still love this piece so much! She sits on my dresser and greets me each morning. I can remember the feeling of awe that I had after creating her. Like "WOW, I made that"! I still feel that way about most of my pieces when I am finished. I just cannot believe that something so awesome came from me. This morning I really looked at her and noticed how my style and technique have changed and how it has stayed the same. In so many ways I am coming into my own artistic style. I am trusting my own heart and letting go. It's really a beautiful and painful/scary process. A little like flying without knowing if your wings can actually carry you. I am trying to ignore the mammoth butterflies in my stomach and just focus on the art. Just push through my nervousness and ignore my inner critics. So far everyone who has seen my work has been so very generous with their support and kind words! There is a certain amount of irony in realizing that I was afraid to share my work because of what other's might say and in reality the only one who has been negative is my own inner critic. I am humbled and overcoming with gratitude by every single person who follows my blog or LIKES my Facebook Fan page. It is an amazing thing to feel supported by a community. So, thank you! It really does mean the world to this little mixed media artist. Have a fabulous weekend! I am hoping to get into the studio to create. See you next week with a new piece!

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