Saturday, January 19

She Created a World~

It's Saturday morning! Can you feel it? Lazy morning, sitting with the sun and a steaming mug of coffee. Delicious! Don't you just wish you could bottle mornings like this! :)

Home is where my heart is at right now. With my art and my heart equally. So much more than brick and mortar! When I look at the shining faces of my 4 little ones I really realize despite the bumps and bruises I have created a word that I love! I feel spilled over with abundant blessings! I can barely contain myself. How about you? What good things in your life do you treasure right now?

I have been giving the old blog a little makeover. I though it was only fitting to brush away the old and welcome the new. This is a very exciting time of newness and adventure! Let's celebrate!

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