Saturday, February 2


Saturday morning. Sitting at the computer in my jammies with a steaming mug of milky coffee. I'm soaking in artsy blogs and it's lovely. I thought maybe I should share what I created yesterday.

The old art journal was crying for a little attention. I selected a random page and just started creating like a madwoman. I seriously had no preconceived notion about where this was headed. It was like a breath of fresh air really. To create with wild abandon and just see... Kind of like chipping away at old paint and discovering ancient wallpaper underneath. Hey, it's much cheaper then therapy, and prettier too! Ha! I'm so hoping to get some painting in today but, we have places to be and kids to care for so it just may not be in the cards. A girl can dream though, can't she? Happy Saturday~

If you feel like treating yourself check out the ever talented Karla Dornacher's blog. She is having an absolutely fabulous Celebration Giveaway! I seriously heart her amazing art!

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