Friday, May 31

Hello There~

Hello friends! I am back from camping and life is back to it's usual semi-chaotic state. I had two sick kids yesterday and another had dental work. It was a long day for sure! I have a confession! I haven't painted in 8 days! Not a thing! I feel sorta of guilty. Yes, I have artist's guilt. That's a thing, right? It's just been too crazy and I am having a hard time getting into my creative routine. BLAH! I'm boring! :)

My son Taylor is CrAZy in love with Zebras. I have been wanting to make a zebra painting for his room for awhile. It all started with this sketch, my first attempt. I actually really liked it and then my sketch book disappeared. Poof! It's gone. It's a shame because I liked where this was headed. I'm sorry that I don't have a new painting to share. I have high hopes for today though! My plan is to finish this cup of coffee, put the boys on the bus, give the girls crayons and color books and force myself to create no matter what that looks like. We shall see!!! Crossing my fingers! Have a fabulous day!

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